DTLA Sandwich
No, not downtown L.A.!

Dulse seaweed is loaded with iron and other minerals. When you buy it, you get a package of dark, dried beet-colored leaves all stuck together. You can use it as is in soups and things, but when you dry toast it in a pan something magical happens – it gets all crispy and smokey flavored. Just like bacon! So I invented this sandwich for all us BLT (and BLTA) fans out there! I have been eating this since I was in college!
*you can find dried dulse in most health and natural foods stores. Or order here. Make sure you buy the whole leaf and not the flakes.
DTLA Sandwich
recipe from Lisa Rice's Kitchen Plantastic
Ripe fresh tomato, sliced (when in season get an heirloom!) and patted dry on a paper towel to absorb moisture
Lettuce (leaf, butter or romaine)
Avocado, seeded, peeled and smashed
Sesame Ezekiel bread, lightly toasted
optional: a smear of homemade mayo (see Happy Tuna and Eggless Salad recipes).
Heat a wide pan on medium high heat. Pull apart a few dulse leaves and spread them apart so they are not bunched up. Add them to the hot pan and stir. Keep stirring until the dulse starts changing color (it will turn sort of brownish). Don’t let it burn! Empty the dulse onto a plate and allow to cool (it cools and crisps up almost immediately).
Assemble your sandwich:
Spread some avocado on toast, next layer the dulse then lettuce and tomato (or tomato and lettuce – doesn’t matter!). Eat and enjoy.
*you can do this in an oven or toaster oven but it can burn VERY easily so you cannot take your eyes off it.
**I tried in the air fryer and it was a bad idea 🙁