With Lauren Bernick & Lisa Rice
Why do some people age like depleted versions of their former selves while some age like badass mothers? Irreverent, provocative, engaging, and entertaining, Age Like a Badass Mother is the ANTI Anti-Aging podcast. Now streaming on Spotify, Apple Music, Pocketcasts, & wherever you get your podcasts.

About the hosts:


Lauren Bernick

I became an inadvertent health advocate when I was diagnosed with coronary artery disease in 2015. I was able to reverse my heart disease (evidenced by extensive testing, including the Cleveland Heart Lab panel), lower my blood pressure, and lose 20 pounds without medication by following a whole-food, plant-based diet without oil. Now, I help others do the same.

In my younger years, I did a lot of acting and improv, and in my late thirties and early forties, I conquered stand-up comedy. I was in the semi-finals of Roseanne Barr’s Funniest Mom in America Contest on Nickelodeon. I met my husband when I was 15 and fell in love with him at first sight, and I still love him beyond measure. Together, we have made three awesome humans.


Lisa Rice

As a founding nutrition and lifestyle coach, cooking instructor, and educator at the Whole Foods Medical and Wellness Center, Lisa Rice helped the store’s employees and executives take control of their health. She has been teaching plant-based cooking for decades, working with individuals and groups, as a regular guest on morning television, and as a presenter at lifestyle conferences. Lisa is a graduate of the Rouxbe Plant-Based Professional Course and the Global College of Natural Medicine, and is a Certified Yoga Instructor through Yoga Works. She holds a Masters in Traditional Asian Medicine from Emperor’s College, and is currently completing her Well Coaches certification to sit for the NBHWC.

Before following her calling as an acupuncturist, herbalist, and yoga instructor, Lisa - a long-time vegan and Climatarian - was a major-label record company executive. She’s lived and worked in New York, Los Angeles, and Austin. Lisa’s passions are cooking and feeding others, writing, reading, gardening, and sharing her life in San Francisco with her husband David, teenage son Judah, cat Ringo, and rescue pups Luna and GeddyLee.
